Operation LAMB (Least Among My Brethren)

Our Operation LAMB (Least Among My Brethren) Committee focuses on our fundraising efforts to support the LAMB Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. (http://www.lambnc.org/)

Operation LAMB was begun in 1960 by Past State Deputy William Scott of the Knights of Columbus. Bill and his wife Maureen had two children who were intellectually challenged. The Scotts saw firsthand the extra funds desperately needed by the facilities that care for, educate, and help these citizens, and Operation LAMB was born. In 1974, it was officially adopted on a state-wide basis by the Knights of Columbus.

Since that time, each council in the state sets aside a period of time each year for street-side collections. Tootsie Rolls are offered to all passers-by. The only associated costs pay for the Tootsie Rolls and the yellow vests worn by the volunteers. Each local council retains 85% of the total collections, minus the above costs, for donation to local organizations in their immediate area. The remaining 15% goes to other similar North Carolina organizations outside the local area.

Operation LAMB has given over $1,500,000 to agencies and public schools in Forsyth and Davie Counties. All of the donated funds are needs based, and the schools and agencies apply for them. The agencies help prepare physically and intellectually challenged children to transition into the public school system. The combined efforts of the agencies and schools provide a family support system for children 6 months to 16 years of age.

Our Council has hosted a Valentine’s Dance for the area for years now. All of the profits from this Dance go to Operation LAMB. After halting the Dance due to Covid-19 restrictions, this event is back and better than ever.